Entrance examination using the IB
Positioning of The IB Organization (known as the IB) qualification in the selection of candidates for university admission in Japan
IB diploma holders are eligible as candidates for university admission in Japan. In order to enter a university, IB diploma holders must go through the admission screening process set by each university, and those who have successfully passed the process can be admitted to the university. Though application requirements differ somewhat by university, application guidelines of many universities specify the IB diploma as one of the eligible criteria for application similar to the AO entrance examination and the special entrance examination for those who grew up overseas. Thus, this system allows IB diploma holders to take a university entrance examination when they meet certain requirements. There are cases where universities carry out the screening process while considering candidates’ IB scores and essay and interview results, if appropriate, in a comprehensive manner.
Moreover, in the fourth proposal of “Connection between High School Education and University Education: Selection of Students for University Admission” (in October 2013) by the Council for the Implementation of Education Rebuilding stipulates that “… universities should actively use the IB qualification and grades in the selection of candidates. The government should provide the necessary support for it and promote universities’ efforts.” In response to such trends, universities in Japan have been actively adopting or further expanding the IB score-based candidate selection process.
Positioning of the IB qualification in the selection of candidates for university admission overseas
The IB qualification is widely accepted by many universities in the world as an internationally recognized qualification for university admission, though specific procedures vary with the country.
In addition, IB scores are widely used when selecting candidates for university admission overseas. For example, in the U.K., the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) has developed an integrated conversion table for IB scores and scores of the General Certificate of Education A-level. Universities use the IB scores as a guide when offering university admission.
Meanwhile, in the U.S.A., universities select candidates by evaluating the scores on the standard university entrance exam, such as the Scholastic Assessment Test, and senior high school grades in a comprehensive manner. There are many cases where competitive universities recommend or actively consider taking the IB programmes.
Moreover, there are many cases at overseas universities where they grant a privilege to students who have earned certain high scores in subjects at the IB Higher Level (HL), such as exemption from taking some of the corresponding subjects after entering university (approving credits).
University admission (the website of the IB)
Universities that can use the IB scores in their entrance examinations in Japan
The status of the use of IB scores in university entrance examinations in Japan is as follows as of January 2024 (survey by the Secretariat of the MEXT Consortium for Promotion of IB Education).
List of cases where universities use the IB when selecting candidates for admission (as of January 2024)
You can check the entrance examination overview of each university by clicking the university name linked below.